
and yet, I'll still lie awake staring at the ceiling tonight, feeling unprepared



my list this work-week:

complete inspection of apartment
buy flowers for classroom
get file folders for world studies classes
get hanging folders for make-up work
return Megan’s modem to Comcast
mail voter registration for me
mail voter registration for Jess
update resume on eportfolio
make an LGBTQA safe zone sign for Sydney
submit a change of address form to the district
submit authorization for direct deposit to the district
take photos of classroom
buy Kasey’s birthday card and gift
get Born Into Brothels from classroom
get folders for ALS classes
attend UHS football fundraiser
make detention slips
get referrals
get hall passes
get overhead
set up school voicemail
get Kleenex
double check fire/disaster exit signs
get and hang up bell schedules
get more desks for classroom
get all IEP meetings on calendar
read and repond to Susan’s syllabus
meet with LT re: teams
set up refocus area in classroom
get a set of headphones
email Greg J re: grading committee
email Angi re: social justice committee
email Carol re: literacy committee
email thanks to LT and Chris C
make and hang a sign with deans names on it
make a computer questions sign
write ALS syllabus and copy it
write WS syllabi and copt them
write Thursday and Friday lesson plans for ALS, world studies and AP world studies
get Obama sign for classroom
make copies of ALS log sheets
get YWCA bumper sticker for clipboard
get endnotes to the print shop
find and plan with ALS teammate
ask Mike about independent reading books
stock shelves with inependent reading options
cite anger management source
email Mike for world studies electronic copy of rubric
talk to Carol about iMovie
sign up for Mac lab
ask Matt about DVDs
ask Greg about getting DVDs
get envelopes for ALS classes’ goal-letters
get inspection form to Weiner
tell Justin about projector
plan recognition of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” anniversary
get looseleaf
write introductory notes
collect lesson materials
get extra folders
get extra journals
one district assembly
two faculty meetings
one department meeting
one meeting with the middle school

check on Hepatitis B vaccination history
get migrant school proof of employment form to district office
look into purchasing URL space
make sure classroom Moodle site is in order
check out Dalkey books for potential grant request
get video cameras for poetry project
call Wendy
call Chris
post to Cross-Country Co-Teach
get McCain sign for classroom
make seating charts
meet with B.D.’s mom
get a copy of the teachers’ contact from Greg C


penthesileia said...

"Get McCain sign for classroom"?

ellen said...

well, I already have an Obama one, but I don;t feel like I can ethically put just that up.