

I got out of bed at 5:10 pm today. Tonight, I should say. Seriously? I mean, to be fair, I woke up earlier, enjoyed a bowl of pasta salad, and then watched the last hour of Batman Begins. But I didn't really get up for the day until it was 17/24ths over. Also, I'm pretty sure that saying that I watched a movie in bed doesn't really hold up as an argument for non-ridiculousness.

Then I went to Bread Company, by myself, and had a glass of wine with dinner as I read something pretentious. Then, I got an iced, skim, no-sugar vanilla latte. And now I'm sitting on my porch, working on creating a new-and-improved version of KEOH.

Does it get anymore self-indulgent than this? I think not. (And unfortunately, I'm so self-absorbed that, I must admit, I've found today to be lovely.)

(In other news, the NatGeo photo of the day today is pretty cool, no?)


Jess said...

Bread Company without me? What the hell. I want some fucking goat cheese.

ellen said...

i did. but i didn't get goat cheese. i swear.