

Something I've learned about myself lately is that I do things really quickly. Call it a compulsion; I have to walk, talk, make decisions, eat, cross things off my necessarily-never-ending to-do list all at break-neck speed. Living by myself all summer has allowed me to be blind to all my weird "things" but my awesome new roommate doesn't let that shit go without remark, and rightly so.

This morning for example, I asked a hotel desk worker for directions to the nearest McDonalds, and could barely stand to wait there while she told me. In my head, I was thinking, frantically, "PLEASESTOPTALKINGPLEASESTOPTALKINGGOTTAGETOUTOFHERE." Not because I was in a rush for any reason, but just because my internal clock was telling me that it was time to be done with the where-is-McDonald's conversation.

And my Mom just told me about a deal on flights to Ireland in the coming months, and I gottabookitnow.

What's up with that? I need to chill. the fuck. OUT.


Susan said...

It's because you don't have me around to really slow your life down...

Anonymous said...

You DO have to book it now, deals are only good until August 19th!!


ellen said...

This is where I get it from. See?

penthesileia said...

I am the same way! I was walking through Times Square on Friday night (don't ask, I didn't want to be there) and there were a whole bunch of freakin' tourists. I guess technically I was a 'tourist' too but New York feels like home to me, and they were all walking like snails. I couldn't deal. I was weaving all around them and I actually jumped over some guys suitcase so I could cross the street before the bus.

You're not fated to live alone. You should've come to live with me in New York and taught in the city. My apartment is sweeeeeeeeeeet.

ellen said...

jumping over a suitcase? now that's good.