
the mid-school-year slump

I'm in it. I just can't seem to keep up with everything that needs to get done. Or I probably could, if I wasn't such a perfectionist. I have this compulsion, though, to do everything 110 %, or whatever. This is not me bragging; this is me wishing I wasn't such a control-freak since it's seriously damaging to my mental health.

I have a really hard time not thinking. Like, I get home from work on Friday afternoons, and all I want to do is lay on the couch and drool. But then my mind just starts working faster and faster until the next thing I know, I'm on the phone with a parent coming up with some action plan for changing a kid's behavior. Or I'm leaving endless voicemails on my co-teachers cell about what else we can be doing to track progress. I want to be able to slow the fuck down, but I don't know how to do that. I mean, I really want to know how.

So I decided to watch a bunch of sappy movies, because those usually get me all swept up in admittedly shallow emotional plots so that at least for an hour and a half my mind stops reeling. Last night I watched Love Actually (which I'm not embarrassed about liking), and The Notebook (I know). I just tried to put on The Prince and Me, but Jess protested, "There's a thin line between sappy and terrible, and this movie is definitely terrible." I had to agree.

So here I am at my computer catching up on my weekend news, and look: Urban League's closure leaves community-watchdog void. Another bummer.

I will say that one happy thing I came across this weekend, is this guy's lesson plan for this coming week. I really like this, and will probably adapt it for one of my groups of kids.

Also, I finally got a chance to post to the vlog, which I was missing. Susan, if you're reading this, I'd like to have some thread of our conversation go in the direction of action-research in the classroom, conducted by teacher and/or by students. I'm trying to collect some data on my classroom environment, quantitative and qualitative, and am finding it to be a tinse overwhelming. This might have worked better as an email.


-G- said...

boo. you watched sappy movies instead of hanging with us!!! come onnnnnnn!

Susan said...

yeah we can go towards action research.
One thing we should discuss if we ever write up this vlog is the ability to cover multiple subjects. It becomes kind of limiting at times to cover things within 7 minutes or less.

ellen said...

oh yeah. true that.

i might be cool to experiment with some shorter but more frequent videos that more closely resemble a real-time conversation. kinda like a video twitter. what do you think?

ellen said...

you know what, i'm actually going to email that to you. why the hell would you go back and read the comments after you've already left one?