
I'm still a hardass, but

I'm with my Mom on this one. I think this music video for Boyzone's new single "Better" is just lovely, and I don't care who knows it.

I also think the song's catchy and likable. Let me reiterate, though, I am not sappy.


Kasey said...

1. bullshit you hate love.
2. you were never a hardass.
3. i'll give you not sappy

Susan said...

4. the video is no longer posted.

Anonymous said...

You didn't mention the most pertinent fact.. that the love interests in the video(when you can actually view it)are the actual love interests/partners/spouses, that's what makes it so "lovely".

Your sappy, not a hardass, believer in love mother

ellen said...

you guys are seriously hurting my rep.

susan: for some reason, they disabled embedding on this one. :(