
things found unattractive* by Kasey, Amy, Phoebe, and Ellen

1. romance
2. speaking in the 3rd person
3. touching
4. moral ambiguity
5. working with men
6. www.searchme.com
7. candlelight lunches in the boardroom
8. an unfunny, asshole blog
9. drunk driving
10. flirting
11. comparing oneself to MLK, Jr., especially when oneself is an ass
12. reasonableness
13. niceness
14. being recommended by Steve Shoemaker
15. Republican glasses
16. not being funny
17. feelings
18. loud gum chopping
19. fake laughing
20. people who like Boltini
21. thinking cool kids suck
22. smocks
23. people who won't work for people who don't have facial hair
24. double-dates
25. being the Program Director for the University YMCA
26. explaining what the Program Director at the YMCA does
27. being corrected
28. emotional crap
29. people who prefer PCs to Macs
30. people who like Journey
31. sappiness
32. political correctness
33. people who like us more than we like them
34. people who we like more than they like us
35. tight clothing
36. people who take long to get ready
37. people who list their Facebook "favorite books" as "I don't read."
38. animals and animal-lovers
39. homophobes
40. when people say "retarded" to mean bad
41. people who supposedly have better taste in music than us and are all pretentious about it
42. really, really good-looking people
43. people who are smarter and/or cooler than us
44. people who are less smart and/or less cool than us
45. hotmail users
46. people who can't hang
47. pomp
48. circumstance
49. ceremony
50. being in agreement
51. male chauvinists
52. wack friends
53. single, double, and/or triple popped collars
54. bedwetters
55. sabotage
56. lack of rhythm
57. hugging
58. anagrams
59. staring
60. people who watch FOX News seriously
61. people who misuse ironicies
62. people who use blogs as points of confrontation

things found attractive by the aforementioned group
1. English as a Second Linguists
2. unavailability
3. sexual orientation ambiguity
4. people who are retired
5. being a professor
6. snowy white hair
7. being sensual with current partner (see also #2)
8. perks (like frequent flyer miles and good TV on DVD collections)
9. height (lots of it)
10. being Aaron Smith and/or engaged to Amy Wolff
11. knowing who Sherman Alexie is
12. nerdiness
13. real laughing
14. people disapproved of by friends
15. people who know how to set up hookahs
16. skills in general
17. excellent book collections
18. people who like The Esquire
19. www.google.com
20. the idea of David Beckham
21. being a founder of the David Beckham fan club
22. being a teacher and/or LEX bus driver
23. people who like Journey
24. hip hop
25. strong capability in the fucking-with-heads department
26. significant age differences
27. political correctness
28. stong interest and knowledge in computer science
29. people who are not ourselves
30. Victoria's Secret models
31. beach scenes
32. good listserv memberships
33. puns
34. people who watch FOX News facetiously
35. saying "yo"
36. people who make up words
37. bad spellers

*note: not all listed (un)attractions are (un)attractive to each person in the group


Susan said...

I like it.

Lauren said...

*fit of giggles over this list*

Ohhhh David Beckham

ellen said...

well, we know what we (don't) like


Anonymous said...

More pomposity!!


ellen said...

takes one to know one

Cassie said...

I disagree, when a popped collar to the third appears abhorrence shifts to admiration as it mesmorizes me and my mind reaches out to touch it, especially if tri-colored.

Cassie said...

also I am going to find out who this Fish Bowl person is through detective work. Have you read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time? stuff like that.

ellen said...

1. no
2. yes, please do! i want to meet this person!

penthesileia said...

I'm pretty sure that sexual orientation ambiguity is the best thing in the world and people who put "I don't read" on their Facebook for all the world to see are the worst things in the world.

ellen said...

I second that.

Anonymous said...

I personally object to the bed wetters comment. As a former bed wetter i find this statement to be very demeaning. Are you a Bed Wettist? Wench!

ellen said...

there's only one person i know who uses the word "wench"...