
chill the fuck out

Did anyone catch Anderson Cooper 360° last night? They were covering the breaking news that Obama and Clinton were meeting about they weren't sure what (but they guessed the VP convo) they weren't sure where (but they had live footage from Clinton's home in New York).

And then after about an hour of speculation by at least four commentators as to what he might be saying/she might be saying, an on-record source from the Obama campaign reported that the two had met at some point yesterday, but not at her house.

The commentators were all like, "Uhh.. well I guess we can stop showing you her house, and um, our bad, but uhh.. we did have sources, we swear..."

I mean, false alarm, it's cool, but isn't there anything else to report on while they're waiting to actually know what they're talking about on that story instead of creating these complicated storylines around what might-maybe-could-possibly-be-according-to-unconfirmed-sources. It's not news yet. It will be in an hour or so. In the meantime, chill the fuck out, and tell us about something else.

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