
Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!

When I was little and my Mom was on the phone and I wanted to talk to her, I didn't care that she was on the phone. I would call her name, and then when she didn't answer, I would start tapping her gently on the hand or the leg, whisper-shouting, "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" as if she didn't hear me the first time. And most often, I'd really need to tell her whatever it was when she was on the phone with Conor's doctor, or Ireland, or some other clearly important call.

I saw a little girl doing the same thing tonight to her mom at Target. The mom was clearly just trying to think. The little girl didn't give a shit. It was hilarious. The mom looked at me all frustrated but smiling, and I was like, "Um, I think she's trying to get your attention." Then I turned to the little girl, who couldn't have been more than five, and said jokingly, "Well, if she'd answered you the first time..." The little girl goes, "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I know. I mean, sometimes I have to ask her the same thing eighteen times! It's so annoying!"


Plump and Jewcy said...

I used to say my mom's name repeatedly, for minutes which extended into double-digits, and when she finally responded, I would say "hi."


ellen said...

now that's hilarious. and true that?

remember when you yelled "hi!" at jennifer north?

the whole "steaming pile of dog shit" thing, by the way, makes more sense now.

penthesileia said...

LOL, it's so true. My mom would give me the evil eye if I did that, so I learned really quick that was NOT the best way to get Mom's attention. LOL at the little girl, though.

ellen said...

oh, see, i knew that my mom didn't like it. i probably just thought that asking for a dollar for the ice-cream man, or whatever, was important enough to risk her sanity