
Who's this Robert guy, and is he single?

What's more fun than witty happy hour banter? Witty happy hour banter that adheres to Robert's Rules of Order.

"I move that this shit is funny."
"Is there any discussion?"
"I move to amend the motion by adding that even though Aaron is not going to think this is funny, it still is."
"Is The Board prepared to vote on the motion on the table That This Shit Is Funny Even Though Aaron Is Not Going To Think It's Funny?"
[silence, which under RRoO means consent]
"All those in favor of resolving That This Shit Is Funny Even Though Aaron Is Not Going To Think It's Funny say 'Aye!'"
[in unison] "Aye!"
"Abstentions? Opposed?"
"The motion has passed. The Board hereby resolves That This Shit Is Funny Even Though Aaron Is Not Going To Think It's Funny."
"I'd just like to bring to The Board the question of whether or not Ben Quinn thinks this is funny?"
"Perhaps we should refer that question to an ad hoc committee, of which it might be a good idea for Ben Quinn to be a part, for exploration of said question?"
"I so move."


Cassie said...

yeah my brain doesn't work when I have to open second windows with words in them. but where is this picture on your blog from? i love it. i love corn.

ellen said...

i have no idea what you're trying to say about second windows?

i took the photo when i was driving down to c-u from chicago one time in hopes i might be able to capture why it is that i think i57 is beautiful.