
I can't believe how much I really love it that Jill Biden is a teacher.

The title of her dissertation is Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting Students' Needs. Pretty cool.

Gets good at around 14 minutes. Like really, seriously good.

But, I should add, Senator Obama, that it really annoys me when you talk too much about the need to reform our education system in terms of our ability to compete in the global economy. What about my students' personal need and right to experience self-actualization? To develop empathy? To ask critical questions of those in power?

But whoa, whoa, whoa. McCain's proposing the closure of the Department of Education? As in, not necessary anymore? Um, what.


-G- said...

MCCain is proposing the closure of the dept of education? whoa whoa whoa.

penthesileia said...

The republicans have long wanted to to disband the department of education and privatize education, or at least decentralize it and 'leave it up to the states.' Which means that kids in the South and inner cities will be even more fucked, but all they're worried about is that wealthy enclaves won't be burdened with things like teaching brown kids how to read.

ellen said...
