
[found in classroom]: The (authentic!) Writing Process

I found this crumpled up at the top of my recycling pile:

And this revision lying beneath a desk nearby!:

And just because I feel bad about not updating in five days, I have a few more little gems I've picked up here and there to display on this here blog.

Like this reminder given to me by the student who writes me all kinds of really intensely beautiful poetry about what it's like to grow up in "the hood," as he refers to it. His poetry is mostly about wanting to be brilliant, but feeling pressures from lots of directions to be not-so-brilliant. He's making a video with his group, and was asked by his group members to select a soundtrack. He slipped me this note with the artist and title of the song he wanted me to get for them:

This was left on my friend's car in the parking lot behind our apartment. It's a pretty standard don't-park-here note, but something about those particular kinds of notes always makes me giggle. Also, I feel there's something very mid-America about the word car port, and I like that:

And this one's a really doozy, I think. Mission statement , no, grocery list? That's hilariously accurate. Mission statement: I will buy cottage cheese. (I realize, as I'm typing this, that the funniness that I pick up on as I look at this found list is not translating well into this post. I'm going with it anyway.) The second image below is the backside of the mission statement grocery list. I wonder what that list is for.


metaspencer said...

so awesome!

ellen said...

oh yes

Q said...

mission statement...that's perfect. It's being "Hilariously accurate," that's hilariously accurate.