
When will we stop referring to Hillary as Bill's wife?

From CNN.com's "Kennedy aide: Romney's views on religion very different from JFK's"

Q. Kennedy's speech in 1960 is widely viewed as being successful. Do you think Romney's speech is likely to be viewed as a success?

Sorensen: I assume so. I don't think Mr. Romney should be denied the presidency because of his religion. Just as I don't think Senator [Barack] Obama should be denied because of his race. Or that Mrs. [Hillary] Clinton should be denied the presidency because of her gender. This country is in deep, serious trouble, and thoughtful citizens surely are going to make up their minds based on the major issues confronting the country and the major qualities of the candidates and not on such superficial tests as religion, race, or gender.
Senator Obama and Mrs. Clinton. Funny, I was under the impression that they're both Senators.

I am so sick of this archaic bullshit. Man and wife, not man and woman. Mr. and Mrs. or Miss, not Mr. and Ms. (Or Ms. and Ms., or Mr. and Mr., for that matter.)

Senator Clinton is a highly-qualified, articulate, intelligent presidential candidate; she's not in the news because she's married to Bill.

(And by the way, since when are religion, race, and gender "superficial" issues? I must have missed that memo when I was too busy looking for a husband by whom I can define myself.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're superficial issues to people who have never had to confront their own, think about their own, defend their own, hide their own (if possible), justify their own and overcome their own.
