
little kids are SO weird

As I was walking to the local library early this afternoon to sign up for a library card (ever since Mobile, I've been sort of in to collecting library cards?) and to get some finals work done, I happened to be passing an elementary school when the students were at recess. The whole playground there is surrounded by a six-foot- tall chain-link fence, and there were these three little fuckers pressed right up against it. They had to be in about second grade. They were standing on their tippie-toes with their heads tilted upwards and their tongues out, licking the tiny icicles that had formed on the horizontal bar running across the middle of the fence.
So I said: "Hey! Your tongues are going to stick!"
cute kid 1: "Huh?"
me: "Your tongues are going to stick to the pole!"
cute kid 2: "No they're not."
me: "Okay."
cute kid 3: "Are you going to tell?"
me: "No. What do I look like?"
cute kid 1: "We like to eat these."
me: "Well what about the germs?"
cute kid 2: "We like to eat these."
me: "Okay."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. Man, little kids...
