
Damn teenagers!

At the beach today, I could not concentrate on relaxing because I was straining to hear the conversation going on behind me. It went something like this:

Lady 1: You know, this beach was never like this twenty-five years ago. I never came here then. it was nothing like this with all the families. It was all teenagers. This is great.
Lady 2: Hm.
Lady 1: Yea, all those teenagers. But the police [pronounced POlice] cleaned it up. No more glass; no more alcohol. You see those signs? [Points to sign that says "No glass. No alcohol."]
Lady 2: Hm.
Lady 1: It says no alcohol. So now none of those teenagers are around. See that patrol man? Here he comes.
[Police vehicle drives by.]
Lady 1: They're making sure those teenagers over there aren't doing anything. That's a good thing.
Lady 2: Hm.
Lady 1: Those teenagers right there. Making sure they're not drinking or anything like that.
Lady 2: Hm.

Is it me, or does Lady 1 have a particular aversion to teenagers?

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