
unsafe driving

between Elkton, MD and Cleveland, OH

The thing about driving on the express way is that you have to have, I think, an inordinate amount of trust in the people driving in front of and behind you. I don't have that kind of trust. I get really nervous when anyone gets close to me at all when I'm driving because how the hell do I know that they are not going to slam on their breaks or ram into the back of the car I'm driving. Maybe it won't even be accidental; maybe it will be some kind of intentional but random terrible car-crashing. This is what I'm thinking about when I'm driving for hours and hours these days. I'm thinking about how remarkable it is that all of the people driving around me are kind enough and talented enough not to crash into Cassie's car even though they could at any second.

My Dad taught us that our family motto is, "Trust but verify," which is probably why I'm thinking this.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Why are you driving AND taking pictures?????