
Is my new blog title photo hipster-ish?

Cassie, that question is directed at you. I'm genuinely unsure of whether or not I am a hipster, but I don't think I am. That being said, the article you posted noted that part of being a hipster is denying that you are a hipster, so now I don't know what to think.


Kasey said...

uh, yeah. this is pretty hipster.

Cassie said...

If I think everything that I can identify as hipster is cool, does that mean I am one? Or that they just took everything cool?

Either way, yeah, this is pretty hipster.

Cassie said...

you can't even do anything un-hipster. try.

ellen said...

oh i will.

Q said...

is that picture from Buffalo Exchange in Wicker Park...cause that would be pretty hip[ster].

ellen said...

nope. a store full of muumuus in harlem somewhere. a great store.