
Could I BE having a better Sunday morning?

1. Ani DiFranco Pandora station (forgot how much I love her)
2. productivity on grad school application and district funding application
3. fresh pot of coffee since I cleaned the mold out of the machine yesterday afternoon
4. windows open and air cool enough to be able to wear a sweatshirt and pants
5. good lesson plans written for the week
6. grocery shopping done
7. up early enough to do all of this and still be able to get over to church for the first time in a long time
8. little brother coming to visit esta noche
9. Alex and Jessica coming back today, too

The answer is definitively no. This morning could not be any better.
Man, I used to hate Sundays in college.


Cassie said...

OoOooOoo and all that productivity leaves so much time to check emails!!! ahahahha psycho

did you dye your hair? why does your face look like that? i love you.

ellen said...

i neither know why my hair looks so dark nor why my face looks so weird.

and i only like checking email during the summer when i don't have any except facebook updates and such. checking in the school year is so boring.

Kasey said...

it makes me sad that your perfect sunday has no mention of me. le sigh.