
reappropriation approaching

O.K., it's gotten to the point where I need to seriously readjust my attitude about "You trippin." Because if I don't, I am just going to snap.

It's become glaringly obvious to me. My heart rate increases when I hear students mutter, "She trippin," under their breaths when I say perfectly even-keeled, normal things like, "Alright, let's get started."

It'll be kinda like the time when Kasey and I reappropriated Soulja Boy's "Report Card."

The thing is, I can't think of a new meaning for you-trippin. Whereas it seemed natural to change "Throw some D's on that bitch" to "Let's introduce a Dialogue on the subect so that the understandings of all parties involved grow and adapt with diverse input," this one feels like more of a leap. What can I make you-trippin?

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