
25 things

I forgot vital stuff at school this afternoon, and decided to use that as a much needed excuse to fuck around online all evening.

I really like this new "25 Things" craze on Facebook. The thing is, I have super-interesting friends. I'm too scared to write one of these thingies myself, though, because I don't want people to think I'm totally narcissistic. (Um, hullo? Who am I kidding? I have a blog. Of COURSE I'm narcissistic.) But I'm not finding other people narcissistic at all. Au contraire. I find them cool. And I get really excited when a new one pops up on my mini-feed.

So because I've been big into time-wasting this last hour or so, and since I've been big into 25 Things for the last few weeks or so, I compiled a list. It's a list of 25 interesting things that people I like listed in their lists of 25 things.

1. First and foremost, I am ashamed that I am doing this. I usually laugh at such silly facebook things.

2. I like Wizard of Oz. It is probably my favorite movie, but I don't like it as much as my family thinks I do. I don't know what to do with all of the odd Wizard of Oz paraphernalia that I have.

Fact number four: Under pure pressure, I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior when I was 11 for Gummi Worms.

4. I was such a terribly behaved toddler that my parents had to go with me to an obedience school where they learned how to train me. Eventually I stopped being such a bratty kid and I really am sorry that I put red nail polish all over the face of my sister’s Rainbo Bright doll.

5. The most humorous, frightening, and heartbreaking concept I know of is when someone's belief in the Bible, Book of Mormon, or Qu'ran supersedes their belief in God.

6. When we lived in town, we knew the lock code to get into the Catholic church. There was 24-hour adoration, so we would sneak in and up to the balcony at 2 or 3 am and scare whatever old lady was down in the pews praying. If they caught us, we would just pretend like we were praying. Then we would sneak into the hall and eat the ice cream in the freezer. Yeah, I’m a terrible person. We did this with our neighbors, who I babysat. One of them was my age. If a kid out there comes upon this, the lock code is 1234.

6. Sometimes I think my Dad is hysterical, but I usually think his jokes are bad. For example, I was complaining to him that /Elizabeth/ is too long of a name especially with a last name like /----------/*. He looked up with the straightest face and said, "Girl, you were lucky to get name. I wanted to just call you girl. He called me /Girl/ for the rest of the night. I thought that was pretty good. *Removed by me for Eliz’s privacy

8. The day I turned 18 one of the first things I did was register to vote--as a Republican.

9. Due to the heavy and emotional influence music has had on me personally, my daughter and I only listen to Christian based music: rap, gospel, contemporary, rock. The funny thing is we still are exposed to other secular music (how can you not be exposed), but we do not dance or move our heads to it. Its weird I know. Sometimes I will wake up in the morning with a secular song in my head usually Beyonce or Lauryn Hill and I have to catch myself. I usually just start singing a Baptist hymn.

12. I believe the '80s produced just as much good and bad music as any other decade in European and American history.

Fact number twelve: I called Bush a vacuous twit at his train tour stop in Bloomington, IL in 2000. Unfortunately, I was humped by a middle aged Republican who didn't like what I was saying and felt that this was appropriate retaliation.

13. I like to find common ground in conversations, but I won’t compromise about my dislike of diamond engagement rings

14. My dream job would be a host of a show on HGTV.

Fact number fourteen: Over the years I have worked as a bagel maker, paralegal, baker, musical violinist, skateboard shop gal, museum archivist, and anti-death penalty organizer.

15. On January 5, 2009 I celebrated 3 full years of abstaining from sexual intercourse. For those of you who feel as if this is something you are struggling with I read Lady in Waiting several times. I prayed and read my Bible every night (and still do). I cried hard for the first SIX months. It was extremely hard, but after those six months God made it easier for me. I do not know if that is the same for everyone. The hardest thing was waiting for God's answer regarding marriage knowing that confirmation is not permitted to everyone.

16. I lived in Sevilla last year. I could live in the country in Northern Spain forever I think, but I don’t get Sevilla and Sevilla doesn’t get me. This made me embarrassingly patriotic, and in love with English. I’m sorry about this, and confused by it.

17. I use to have a jerri curl that I loathed especially when the movies House Party came out. "Follow the drip." It made my hair grow though.

18. My dissertation topic is on paternal presence and adolescent sexual behavior in adolescents living in extreme poverty.

18. I met my husband, Broch, on eHarmony.com.

22. I lose everything, and I don’t ever care, and then I always find the things again, and I don’t care about that either. I drove my car into a flash flood a few years ago, and had to make an emergency escape onto the roof while my car floated downstream, and all my possessions were in the car, and I had no more car, and I laughed. I was talking to my mom on the phone in the rain and she thought I went temporarily insane. Then again, I’ve never really owned anything. I think I am renting my body.

23. I want to open a dorm for people with disabilities someday.

23. I once watched a U of I basketball game at a Scottish Bar in France. Some guy pulled a live pet rat out of his shirt, and it was weird.

23. My dad used to play a lot of Stevie Wonder. One of my favorite songs was "I Just Called to Say I Love You." While at a writing workshop for local elementary school students one weekend, we had to write a poem or something to share with the audience (mostly parents). Thinking I could do something people would recognize and laugh at, I changed the words of Stevie's song to "I Just Called to Say I Hate You." I proudly stood up to recite the words to everyone and when I was finished, everyone just stared at me, no applause or anything. It didn't really bother me at the time but I felt bad for my mom because she was the parent of that weird child who hated people. I've made several calls over the years to tell people I hate them, in honor of that song I wrote :)

25. I played Abraham Lincoln’s wife in a play in kindergarten, because I was really tall so that somehow made sense, and I don’t know what Lynice Lemenager was, but we both peed our pants.

Fact number twenty-five: I have worn glasses since I was five years old and my first pair of frames said “Battlestar Galactica” on the side.

By the way, I'm pretty sure everyone's just copying off of Susan.

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