

Here are some notes I've taken recently from things I've heard people say:

When I had to follow a student around all day one day, I took these notes in my lesson plan book on things that teachers either sid to students or posted up as signs in their rooms. Click to enlarge.

Interesting stuff to check out, I'm told.

Someone said this to my students, and I wrote it down because sometimes writing things that I think are ridiculous helps me to move on from them. Passive-aggressive, I know. Whatever.

And here are some notes I've found and then put into my pocket, thereby taking them:


Susan said...

it doesn't seem to want to enlarge for me.

ellen said...

That's what she said.

Anonymous said...

The note about the pope was hilarious to me.

ellen said...

yeah, they were working on an assignment that required them to cut a bunch of stuff out of newspapers, and i found all kinds of weird shit on the floor afterwards. mostly it was a lot of "tit" and "sex," things like that...