
dealing with a hater

I've got this one student who's been giving me shit all week, and nothing I've said or done has helped him focus. But today, kind of accidentally, I had him teach the class. I'd just whisper in his ear what the activity was that the class was supposed to do, and he orchestrated it. Beautifully, I might add.

At one point, a kid in the call screamed some string of "fuck"s and "bitch"es, and the whole class started laughing. Before I could say anything, he put his hand up (our signal for "Hey, I need your attention!"), walked over and closed the door -- not before yelling (jokingly) firmly, "We're learning in here!" When the "fuck" kid in the hall yelled back, he shook his head (again, satirically), and remarked, "Just started teachin, and already dealin with the haters. Everybody be hatin on teachers, man"

I mean seriously? How hilarious and awesome is that.


Susan said...

is this the student I think it is?

ellen said...

no. but somehow that student has come around as well. i did try the envelope thing with him, and he doesn't use them, but he does turn his work in now. maybe all it took was the note i attached to the envelopes?

Anonymous said...

Ellen, I'm so glad I'm in my room because I'm over here cracking UP at your blog...this is too funny.

ellen said...

ha seriously, i know. this same kid called me "hip" today. yeah. fucking hilarious.