
shit I don't love

A couple of months ago, this guy came to our Bible study and talked about a project he and some friends did where they tried to see what it would be like if they took seriously the Gospel call to give away half of what you have to the poor.  The first month, they started with clothes.  Then books the next.  And so on.  (NOT MY BOOKS.)  They got together each month to talk about it, and they found that when they tried to sell their stuff to give the money away, they weren't able to get much for it.  And they didn't miss it.  They thought a lot about the value of their stuff -- and the value of the liberation they felt without it.

When I talked to Donna about it, she told me that when she moved away from the city, she decided to only take with her things from her home that she loved.  It was really hard, she told me, but such a relief when it was over.

I've been going through my clothes over the last week, getting rid of the stuff that I don't love.  I'm finding that it's sometimes so easy, sometimes so difficult to figure out whether or not I love something.  I make the two piles, and then I have to weed out the "things I love" pile again.

I did decide to keep one dress I don't love anymore.  A brown paisley wrap dress that I wore so many times  when I taught at Urbana.

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