
the view from where I'm at

This has pretty much been what I've been looking at for the last three days:

I've watched Along Came Polly (Tad bit painful -- I don't like watching the protagonist get shat on throughout the whole movie.), The Dark Knight (Not my first time. Not as scary, nor as entertaining, this time around.), Step Brothers (Not even a little bit funny.), The Women (Moderately interesting.), Christmas Vacation ("Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Kiss your ass. Happy Hanukkah."), The Bucket List (How can it be possible for Morgan Freedman Jack Nicholson to be boring? Probably the biggest disappointment of the weekend.), and The Incredible Hulk (Truthfully, I saw about three minutes of this.). Or at least I've watched bits and pieces of each, since I've also seen a lot of the inside of my eyelids. Yesterday I had cheese fries for lunch.


penthesileia said...

I admit that I have that kind of sense of humor that finds Will Ferrell's movies funny, and I cracked my ass off at Step Brothers. XD

I watched the beginning of Incredible Hulk and got bored, and I loved the Dark Knight but I started falling asleep near the end -- that movie is LONG! Didn't see the rest. Cheese fries are good.

ellen said...

yeah! generally i find will ferrell hilarious, too! i don't know?