
um, no

I did not like Dark Knight.

Now, I realize that I'm in the minority on this one, and I'm not just saying I didn't like it to be that annoying I'm-so-unique person. I just wanted to leave the whole time I was watching it. I found it to be a miserable experience. (Except for at the end when the Joker was done; I liked the anti-save-the-world message.)

If this makes sense, I think it was just too well done. Heath Ledger was too disturbing. That's the best acting I've ever seen, but I'm not impressed or entertained, I'm disgusted.


-G- said...

I loved the movie. Heath Ledger did some amazing acting and I was disgusted by him as well.... and I liked it. :)

Aspiring Economist said...

can we still be friends?

ellen said...

I think I've given the wrong impression. Yes, Dark Knight was awesomely done. Holy cow. That's a high quality piece of work.

But too disturbing to be enjoyable.

Cassie said...

I also wanted it to be over the whole time. Well, kinda. I was really fascinated by Heath/Joker and his disgustingness. Basically in any scene that didn't include the joker, I was just waiting for them to get back to him. On top of that, I think I wanted him to quit acting and take off the makeup, to be Heath Ledger and also, to still be alive.

I don't know. I don't know what the point of it all is. It wasn't enjoyable, in fact it was disturbing, and yet I don't regret seeing it. Hmm..

ellen said...

Yes. Same here, except for the part where you wanted the Joker to come back on screen. Pretty much every time he was around I had an intense sense of dread.

ellen said...

so much less scary