
(hetero)sexism: "We all worship you already!"

My awesome** friends were kind enough to set up a profile for me on GreatBoyfriends.com! How lucky am I!?* Now it can only be a matter of time before Mr. Right appears in my inbox!* [fingers crossed.]*

Conveniently enough, GreatBoyfriends has established these two ranking systems, one for girls and one for boys, so that users can quickly and easily assess whether or not they want to date someone!

for girls:
for boys:
I can't really tell if the best* part about this great* new site is that it tells me right away if a chick is moody/if a guy has got the moolah to buy me a sparkly ring, or if it's the friendly, flattering* rhetoric of their emails.

* : sarcasm
** : not sarcasm


Cassie said...

I find it really bizarre that the site is called greatboyfriends.com.. like do straight boys really want to get caught logging into that site...? probably not. (I'm assuming it's not gay-friendly??) I'm pretty sure this is a girls-only site made by some girls who thought it would be a GREAT IDEA, and forgetting that straight guys probably are even less likely than straight girls to be into these cutesy classification systems. Like I think the point of this site is for girls to think about how many points they'd get. I don't know why. Endlessly thinking about/attempting to quantify these things is some sort of a cultural fascination for a lot of girls, I think. Obsessive daydreaming or something. Slumber parties and romantic movies. That we watch over and over. Am I stereotyping? I can't really tell the difference sometimes between stereotyping and speculating about cultural tendencies... is this message too long? Ellen I don't wanna do my homework.

Also, yeah, this "worship" etc. language.. scary and offending.

I am pretty much obsessed with your blog. I've started recommending it to my friends and checking it after facebook. That's right. Also, get an effing tattoo already. A diamond maybe?

ellen said...

you know, i had thought that the URL seemed a little nonsensical, too. the site is definitely called GreatBoyfriends, but if you type in greatgirlfriends.com, it comes up. (that's what she said.) that said, your point stands, stereotypical as it might be, about the probably hesitancy on the part of hypermasculine (ha) straight guys to use this cutesy piece of crap.

i also think the worship thing is FREAKY.

and i want to get a tattoo, i just don't know what to get. everything i think of ends up being a phallic symbol. which means that freud was right, and that our joking about my castration anxiety yesterday was just a defense against my actual castration anxiety. shit.

also, stop writing on your blog that it's disappointing unless by disappointing you mean awesome.