

I've had to spend a lot of time at the doctor's office in the past few days because I need to get an extensive physical done as part of my application to the Peace Corps.

I really love my doctor.

I've been finding it really interesting to think so directly about my body and the way it works. Since I typically spend my time thinking about what I do with my body (teaching, writing, reading, talking, hanging out), but usually take for granted that I have a body that has all kinds of automatic and voluntary processes going on, it's been really fun to raise my awareness of what's going on with me in the physical sense.

I do realize how ridiculous I'm sounding right now. But I also realize that I have a heart rate, an immune system, a blood pressure, and all kinds of other cool things like that.


Quinn Reilly said...

Ellen, did you know that you also have a gallbladder, pancreas, long AND short intestine, funny bone, skin, hair, teeth, clothes, money, food, a bed, desk, computer, glasses, a blog, interests, disinterests, loves, hates, and of course...lots of time. Right now as I sit here and type this message into cyberspace my stomach acid is breaking down the bow-tie pasta with parmesan cheese and olive oil I just ate. When I get up to use the bathroom my muscles are going to be working in perfect formation to get my ass out of bed and onto the toilet. Peace, Love, and Happiness

ellen said...

