

Today's gotten progressively better.

Initially, I was crabby as hell, but Kasey sent me this ecard:

...whatever. (Kind of hilarious.)

Later, as I was walking past Presidential Towers, which is a high-rise apartment building on campus, I saw a little boy, couldn't have been more than four, look up, become dizzied by the tallness, and fall over.

And the best thing about today? I just got an email from the Library Catalog about a cool new book that just came into the University's library system that I can use for my upcoming project on language and hip-hop. I didn't really know what the deal was -- how the card catalog knew what kinds of books I would like -- so I used the new "Ask A Librarian" feature at the library website. Here's the conversation:
Hi. We are here to help you with your research. Ask us!
aimguest1550036: Hi! I just received an email from the
Library Catalog Boolean Search. I'm confused.
AskUIUC: hmmm. what's the email subject?
aimguest1550036: The book the email is telling
me about is relevant to a search I've performed recently, and sounds really cool. Can you tell me more about this system?
aimguest1550036: Library Catalog Boolean Search Search for GKEY Black AND KEY Language
aimguest1550036: (That's the subject.)
AskUIUC: oh sure -- you can save searches (and it sounds like you must have saved this one)
aimguest1550036: hm.. inadvertently
aimguest1550036: but very cool
AskUIUC: and then receive email updates when we get new materials
AskUIUC: that match your search terms!
aimguest1550036: ahh... you answered my question before I could ask it
aimguest1550036: very cool
aimguest1550036: thanks!
AskUIUC: you're welcome.
AskUIUC: you can see your saved searches by logging into your account
AskUIUC: in the library catalog.
aimguest1550036: oh okay. good to know
AskUIUC: there's a button labeled "My Searches" on your account page
AskUIUC: so you can add more searches or change preferences or whatever.
aimguest1550036: great
AskUIUC: anything else i can help you with tonight?
aimguest1550036: that's should do it! thanks very much!
AskUIUC: you're welcome. have a good night. :)
aimguest1550036: you too
AskUIUC: thanks!
AskUIUC: bye!

I happened to be accessing the site from a computer lab on campus, so it didn't have AIM or any other messenger system installed. The "Ask A Librarian" site, though, has the messenger built into the page, so it's easy as pie. I don't care how dorky it is to admit, I'm bowled over by the efficiency, usefulness, and coolness of our library right now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, if you go on a workplace rampage, I'd appreciate being killed first. No point in drawing out the terror.

Hip-hop and language, sounds very cool!
