

In addition to getting all of my shit ready to go back down to school tomorrow morning, I've been charged with the task of cleaning out all of my forgotten treasures that in around 2000 I stored away in our family's collective dumping ground. I could not think of a less enjoyable thing to do right now. I think I'd even rather go to the zoo than do this shit.

Anyway, since just about anything in the world is more exciting than my life right now, especially this piece of old news that Cassie sent me that I forgot about and just rediscovered, I bring you the "Gay Bomb".

This article pretty much speaks for itself, and since I should be sorting and packing and not commenting on this ridiculousness, I will now find my way back to my eighth grade scrapbooks.


Anonymous said...

Now I know how I got to be gay! I'm totally a victim of a random gay-bombing, and I didn't even know it!

Or maybe I was just born that way...

--Jason LeCompte

P.S. Hi Ellen! Your brother showed me your blog. Here's the address to mine, in case you're interested:


You're an excellent writer, and I will be reading yours regularly. Hope you're doing well! Congrats on the new apartment! --JL

ellen said...

Thanks, Jason! I'll definitely be checking that often.

Bummer about the gay bomb though.