
"Why any woman give a shit what people think is a mystery to me."

I'm just back from a lovely evening at the theatre with my mom, our second lovely evening at the theatre this week, actually. Wednesday night, in Vegas, we saw Cirque Du Soleil's LOVE, which is the one that they do to Beatles music. Tonight we saw The Color Purple at the Cadillac in Chicago, the Oprah-produced, Broadway version of Alice Walker's novel.

Live entertainment is so cool. Probably creepy, but I really like watching the other people in the audience. For some reason, I'm really affected by the way the other people in the audience are responding to the performers.

For instance, at LOVE, I was seated next to a family who was speaking French before the show. The lights went down, the extravaganza began, and all of a sudden they were singing along loudly. By the end of the show, as the rest of the audience began to sit back down for the post-standing-ovation number to "All You Need is Love," they were on their feet dancing around, still singing every word.

And tonight, when the actress who played Celie came out for her curtain call, a young woman across the aisle from us was literally jumping up and down and screaming she was so excited.

I mean, I thought both the shows were great, too, but I was really glad to be sitting both times near people who seemed so completely overwhelmed with joy and admiration. It's such a beautiful thing to watch.

There was also this crotchety, older white couple sitting near us tonight. When Celie and Shug, played by Michelle Williams (Destiny's!), kissed for the first time, the man got all noticeably wiggly in his seat. Almost wiggly enough to make me feel a little wiggly. And during the intermission the woman said, in an obnoxious Chicago accent, "Well, the singing's good but I can't understand a word they're saying." Hhhhhh

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