
"We're not worthy!"

So I'm down in Urbana for good now, enjoying our sweet new apartment. There was an old plaid armchair in my room when I moved in, and I didn't really want it there. My plan to move it to the living room down the hall, though, was foiled when it didn't fit down the hall. So now, in homage to the Wayne's World skit in which Wayne proclaims, "Aerosmith is in my breakfast nook!" we created a little breakfast nook with a great view of the garbage can.

In the nook, I've been reading Strip City: A Stripper's Farewell Journey Across America by Lily Burana, and it's fascinating. Frankly, even thinking about strip clubs used to make me really nervous, but now I'm embarrassed that I was Judgey McJudgerson about them without knowing anything about them.

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