
Ashton Kutcher, you can come out now.

I'm getting beers on Friday after work with this woman Jacey, and I'm stoked about it because I really like her, and I've really been wanting for some women friends here.  (Or any friends, actually, but the need for women friends is most pressing.)

Tonight, I went and saw Anne Lamott speak on the invitation of another new woman friend, Jacqueline.  I like Jacqueline, and I read something by Lamott recently that made me dislike her writing less than when I read Bird by Bird.  Lamott was lovely, and not the annoying White lady earth mother that I thought she was because of BbB (though I did notice that the audience was hella White, so my first instinct couldn't have been totally off).

She read from her new book a piece on forgiveness (similar to, but not exactly this one).  She talked about how she kept meaning to work on forgiving, but kept not not doing it because... it's hard.  And then she started noticing all these little messages popping up all over her life about forgiveness (eg. bumper stickers, etc.)  One of the "little messages," a magnet on a friend's fridge, struck her at just the right moment that it made her feel like, "Okay, this is not just a bunch of coincidences."  And she started to really work on it/believe that she was working on it through some kind of Grace.  There are times, she joked, when coincidences are so intense that they make her think that God is showing off.  (And the audience laughed, and I confirmed with myself that I am not her target audience.)

I knew what she was talking about.  It's that lucky thing I'm so into these days.  A "moment of improbable grace" she calls it.  Improbability is what I've been trying to get at when I say "lucky."

On the way out, I ran into Jacey, which is when we exchanged numbers.

Which was weird, because earlier, I had seen her walking down the street from a car I was riding in.

Which was weird, because this morning, when I was checking in for my doctor's appointment, she was standing behind the registration desk because she works there.

Which was weird, because last week I sold her her wedding dress.

I got a text from her on the way home saying that she hasn't been in a church on purpose for seven years.  She said that she feels like God's been fucking with her lately.  And I was like, "OMGOODNESS ME TOO."

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