
stressed as hell right now

One of my favorite people in C-U is Bobbie, a woman I met through my involvement with a volunteer tutoring program on campus, and with whom over the years I've had some really interesting visits. Bobbie's a self-described hippie who went to U of I at the end of the 60s and into the early 70s. She and her husband were the President and Vice-President of what is now the Student Senate, lived on a commune, opened a restaurant on campus that employed newly arriving immigrants and refugees, and just generally chilled, man.

Last year, she gave me this meditation, and I've been trying a lot lately to use it. She's the best.

Metta Bhavana
May I be safe from inner and outer harm and danger.
May I be safe and protected.

May I be free of mental suffering or distress.
May I be happy.

May I be free of physical pain and suffering.
May I be healthy and strong.

May I be able to live in this world happily, peacefully, joyfully, with ease.

(Repeat the above, replacing "I" with the following:)
May a person who invites the pure feeling of unconditional loving kindness, the love that does not depend on getting anything back

May a dear friend...

May someone for whom I feel neither strong like nor dislike...

(To the best of my ability, I wish that) someone with whom I have difficulty may...

May all awakened ones...

May all seekers...

May all in difficult places...

May all celestial beings...

May all humans...

May all animals...

May all beings...

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