
Just like in Toy Story.

My printer has low toner, and every time I ask it to print something, it tells me so in its little screen's 1990s font.

The exclamation point comes up over the printer icon on the dock on the bottom of my desktop.

Clicking the printer icon opens a little window at the corner that tells me that the laptop is "Searching for the printer."

After about five minutes, it prints.

The five-minute wait is hilarious to me.  It's like the printer is saying, "No seriously, my toner is low.  You need to change the toner."  And I'm like, "I mean, I will soon, but it costs $50, and I know you can still print things."  It waits as if to tell me, "Nope."  But I tell it that I know that whatever it's printed last still came out black, not gray, so there's definitely enough toner for it to print out this letter of recommendation for E.  So I'm like, "I know you're bluffing"  And the printer's like, "No I'm not."  And it tries to wait me out, arms crossed over its chest, face frozen in a "I told you so" expression.

And then it's like, so begrudgingly, "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine," and I can tell it's still mad, but I don't really care because I won. 

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